Streaming Festival

Streaming Festival

I have a few works which will be shown in the 2011 Streaming Festival

Streaming Festival

6th Edition
1-18 December 2011

Opening: 1 December 2011
Het Nutshuis
Riviervismarkt 5, 2513 AM
The Hague, The Netherlands


The Streaming Festival is an art event for independent artists exhibiting unconventional audiovisual art from all over the world. This event takes place once a year.

In addition to this, every month a video program is streamed on the festival website. These programs each have their own theme and concept.

Anyone with an internet connection can plug into a festival stream from any location, at any given time and start watching contemporary art and films.

In previous editions of the festival we gathered information from artists and made this accessible to the public. Seeing how that information rapidly expanded and is still expanding, we realized a different approach to store and maintain the information would be inevitable.
Hence, the videoart database.