An exhibition of work by Anthony Antonellis
Curated by Nora O' Murchú
Opens 17th August 6PM - Late
Steambox, School Street, Dublin 8
Music by Deviant & Naive Ted
Exhibition times:
Monday - Saturday 12 - 5pm
Show runs from August 17th - September 1st
PLEASE NOTE: Strobe lights and haze will be in use within a contained area for the duration of this exhibition...
Net art primarily exists within a virtual public space, and is created to be seen by anyone, anywhere, at any time. The immateriality and indistinct physical location of net art challenges the traditional modes of viewing and contextual experience that exists for art-viewing audiences. In this exhibition, the curator challenges these issues by translating the experience and conceptual understanding of Antonellis's work into a unique immersive site-specific installation. The exhibition recalls the familiar aesthetics of the original work and transforms, reassembles the work into new forms, and re-contextualises them for the gallery setting.
The collaborative exchange between curator and artist is a fundamental part of this exhibition. Consequently, the exhibition presents an experimental model that challenges the conventional presentation and viewing of online art.
In this particular exhibition, CMYRGB is encountered as a room infused with clouds of color that reflect the aesthetics of the original set of GIFS. The immaterial work putitonapedestal.com, which in its original virtual form, playfully critiques the role of institutional curation is recreated through printed 3D forms and visual mappings.
Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V is 1 of 5 in a series of exhibitions entitled Run Computer, Run - an exploration of critical and experimental approaches to curating digital and new media art. Run Computer, Run is a series of thematic exhibitions that discuss and explore curatorial representations of digital artworks and speculate upon the interrelationship of digital technologies, artistic and curation practice. The exhibition series concludes with a publication with contributions from artists, leading new media critics and curators.
More info: www.noraomurchu.com
This show is kindly sponsored by:
Savage Lighting
Oxwood Print Solutions
Grand Canal Hotel